Next Workshop:

Location: Leica Welt, Wetzlar, Germany

Neubau Leica Camera Fassade

Photo: Hanneke Heinemann

Save the date:

11.06.2025 - 13.06.2025

Information, preliminary Agenda, Registration form are available

New features, updates, and bug fix are here.

The most recent: second Y-Axis, admittance, filter parameters, worst case with refractive indices, initial readout corrector, re-evaluation of History/Collection, enhancement of preprocessing.



Download of the estimations (*.xlsx)

BBAR schematic 3

Notch small1

Stress deflection


With OTF Studio Software, you can tackle multilayer design challenges of any complexity. It offers powerful design and analysis tools, including synthesis algorithms enhanced with machine learning elements.

For trial versions, please reach out to our distribution partners.

OTF Studio workshop is an excellent opportunity to learn more about its capabilities and gain hand-on experience. 








Michael Trubetskov is winner of all recent optical interference coatings design contests

Network:  optence grau rot