Next Workshop:

Location: Leica Welt, Wetzlar, Germany

Neubau Leica Camera Fassade

Photo: Hanneke Heinemann

Save the date:

11.06.2025 - 13.06.2025

Information, preliminary Agenda, Registration form are available

New features, updates, and bug fix are here.

The most recent: second Y-Axis, admittance, filter parameters, worst case with refractive indices, initial readout corrector, re-evaluation of History/Collection, enhancement of preprocessing.



Our distribution partner in Turkey Oğulcan Açikgöz (Poloptech) started a series  "My Living Room to High Vacuum". The first season will focus on materials used in e-beam coatings and evaporation tips. The first video is devoted to Nb2O5 Please follow Oğulcan on YouTube: Video Nb2O5

Ogulcan 2

Our distribution partners participated in Photonics West

Our distribution partners in the United States Vacuum Innovations LLC.  have successfully participated in Photonics West (25-30 January 2025, San Francisco, California).

New strategic partnership with Vacuum Innovation LLC

OTF Studio team welcomes Dr. James Oliver and Miss Marcella Oliver (Vacuum Innovations LLC, USA) our authorized distribution partner of OTF Studio Software products in the USA, Canada, Australia, countries of Latin America, and Mexico. If you have questions, please contact Miss Oliver per e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone 585-298-9579

Our distribution partner Mr. Yasunari Onizaki (Caywan Office Inc.) participated successfully in the exhibition InterOpto 2024 in Yokohama, 29.10-31.10.2024.

Caywan Booth small     Panoramic view of the exhibition hall small  Night view from the exhibition hall small

OTF Studio Workshop in Lüneburg (Germany) finished successfully.

Our distribution partner from China Mr. Hongliang Lin successfully participated in the 25th China International Optoelectronic Expo in Shenzhen, 11.-13. September 2024

CIOE small

Dr. Michael Trubetskov presented a talk   "Optical coatings computer-aided production" at the International Conference on Coating on Glass and Plastics (ICCG) in Dresden (24.06-26.06.2024)

Michael Truebtskov and Rick Shimshock

Photo: Michael Trubetskov and Ric Shimshock

Our distribution partner from China successfully participated in the 23rd Jiangsu Province Optical Film Technology Conference:

JaingsuConf   JaingsuConf2


OTF Studio and Langbein&Kolb Consulting successfully participated in Optatec Exhibition 14-16.05.2024 in Frankfurt am Main:

    Michael Trubetskov Burkhard Kolb   Tatiana Amochkina Irmgard Langbein


New distribution partner in China:

OTF Studio welcomes Mr. Hongliang Lin (Shenzhen Brilliant Optics Co., Ltd.) - our distribution partner in China. Learn more...

Save the dates: 28.10.2024-30.10.2024
Next OTF Studio workshop is planned in Lüneburg, Germany, 28.10-30.10.2024. Pre-registration is now opened per e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

New distribution partner in Turkey:

OTF Studio welcomes Mr. Oğulcan Açikgöz (POLOPTECH Optik ve Uzay Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.) - our distribution partner in Turkey. Learn more...

   OTF Studio new version 25.15 released February 17, 2025. Please follow the updates here.

taReo new version 24.50 is released.

New strategic partnership with Waveguide Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.
OTF Studio team welcomes Mr. Tadashi Watanabe (Waveguide Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd., Japan) - our authorized distribution partner of OTF Studio Software products in Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Watanabe per e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone +81-90-3558-5986

Our distribution partner Mr. Yasunari Onizaki (Caywan Office Inc.) had a successful talk at the Vacuum Exhibition 2023 in Tokyo Big Sight

 Caywan OTF Studio in Science Photonics Fair   OTF Distribution partner

New strategic partnership with Waveguide Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.
OTF Studio team welcomes Mr. Tadashi Watanabe (Waveguide Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd., Japan) - our authorized distribution partner of OTF Studio Software products in Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Watanabe per e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone +81-90-3558-5986

Recently, the joint publication (Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST), BTE GmbH, and OTF Studio GmbH) has been published:
T. Melzig, T. Amochkina, S. Bruns, P. Henning, J. Terhürne, M. Trubetskov, M. Vergöhl, Influence of fitting algorithms on thickness determination during monitoring of optical coatings, Surface and Coating Technology, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130197

 Influence of fitting algorithms on thickness determination during monitoring of optical coatings

Our distribution partner Mr. Yasunari Onizaki (Caywan Office Inc.) successfully participated in the exhibition Science Photonics Fair 2023 in Yokohama, 07.11-09.11.2023

 Caywan OTF Studio in Science Photonics Fair

T. Amochkina, V. Matusevich, M. Trubetskov. Vortrag: Verschiedene Ansätze zur Charakterisierung von elektronenstrahl-verdampften optischen Beschichtungen basierend auf spektralfoto- metrischen und ellipsometrischen Messdaten, Fokusgruppe DUV / VUV, 15.11.2023, VON ARDENNE GmbH, Dresden

Save the dates: 22.05.2024-24.05.2024
OTF Studio workshop at hotel Terrassenhof in Bad Wiessee, Tegernsee, Germany, 22.05-24.05.2024. Information and Registration are coming soon.

OTF Studio Workshop Tegernsee

OTF Studio together with our distribution partner Oregon Photonics and our partner VM-TIM successfully participated in the recent SPIE Optifab 16.10-19.10.2023 exhibition.

Oregon Photonics OTF Studio Optifab

Software updates:
Updated taReo version v. 23.80 has been released.

New membership:
OTF Studio GmbH is happy to be a new member of Optence network. More...

New strategic partnerships:
VM-TIM GmbH and OTF Studio have partnership agreement to equip spectrophotometers of VM-TIM GmbH with the design/characterization software of the OTF Studio. The details are coming soon...

Oregon Photonics Inc. is now the authorized distribution partner of OTF Studio Software products in the USA and Canada. Read more...

The department of Optical Systems and Applications of Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST), OTF Studio GmbH, and BTE GmbH cooperate in the development of a fully automated monitoring to control the production of optical coatings. Learn more about this cooperation...

OTF Studio welcomes Dr. Burkhard Kolb, our distribution partner in Europe
Langbein Kolb Consulting  located in Oberursel, Germany is our distribution partner now.
taReo Software has been released:
We are delighted to announce the launch of our latest product, taReo. This advanced software tool is specifically developed to assist in the production of multilayer optical coatings within deposition chambers equipped with broadband optical monitoring.

taReo offers a wide range of capabilities, including deposition simulations through its Virtual Deposition Interface. Additionally, it provides offline applications for characterization, analysis, and design, empowering users with comprehensive tools to optimize their coating processes. Learn more...

New strategic partnership with Caywan Office Inc.
OTF Studio team welcomes Mr. Yasunari Onizaki (Caywan Office Inc., Japan) - our partner in testing, development, and marketing of the new OTF Studio thin-film software. Mr. Yasunari Onizaki promotes and distributes our software in Japan. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Onizaki per e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone +81-90-8321-7341

Caywan logo1

First characterization results obtained with the help of OTF Studio Thin Film Software have been published:
An interesting paper on characterization of thin Al island films has been published. The reliable determination of the refractive indices, extinction coefficients, and thickness of metal island composites is a key issue in the practical integration of these films into multilayer coatings. This work  aims to study the optical properties of Al island films, deposited on quartz substrates using e-beam evaporation.

Three research groups were involved into the study. Three different characterization methods were used and the results were compared.  The effective optical constants of the Al island films are determined from spectral spectrophotometrical and ellipsometrical experimental data using: (i) a parameter-free dispersion model, (ii) a multiple oscillator model based on Gaussian line-shapes and (iii) $\beta$ distributed oscillator model. The details are in the publication.

Al Island films

Design and characterization of multilayers: our recent publications

What data photometric or ellipsometric provide more reliable charactrization results?

What data photometric or ellipsometric provide more reliable charactrization results?

Recently a new paper was published: the paper reports on post-production characterization of e-beam deposited optical filters based on multi-sample photometric and ellipsometric data. A special sophisticated set of samples was fabricated at Ruder Boškovic´ Institute in Croatia. The best characterization approach for practical use, when preparation of the mentioned set of samples would be a luxury, is proposed.

Dispersive mirrors in mid-infrared spectral range: what characteristics are achievable?

Dispersive mirrors in mid-infrared spectral range: what characteristics are achievable?

Our new study reports practically important and interesting results on designing dispersive mirrors operating in the range 3-18 µm. The admissible domains of the most important design specifications: the mirror bandwidth and group delay variation were obtained. Also, estimations of the required total coating thickness, thickness of the thickest layer, and the expected number of layers are obtained.

Michael Trubetskov is winner of all recent optical interference coatings design contests

Network:  optence grau rot