• Consulting: Thin Film Design and Characterization

    We provide trainings in the field of optical coatings design of all types of coatings.
    Our company offers design/characterization consulting services for the optical thin-film coating industry and academic sectors. We can suggest you multiple solutions and you choose a solution that is the most production-friendly in your environment! We design all types of coatings:
    • conventional coatings (filters, polarizers, beamsplitters, dichroic mirrors, narrow bandpass filters, AR of all types)
    • color coatings
    • coatings for architecture glass
    • laser-related coatings
    • coatings operating in all spectral ranges from UV to MIR
    • coatings for ultrafast optical applications
    • Customer-oriented software

      We develop software tailored to meet the needs of customers in the optical design, characterization, and support for the production of optical coatings.

      New features, updates, and bug fix are here.

      The most recent: second Y-Axis, admittance, filter parameters, worst case with refractive indices, initial readout corrector, re-evaluation of History/Collection, enhancement of preprocessing.



      We perform consulting in the confidential way! We are aiming at fruitful long-term cooperation. The customer's information is carefully protected.

      Trainings and consulting services are provided in flexible time schedule.

      We can arrange a contact via ZOOM, Skype, MS Teams, or Phone. Please first make an appointment.

      Please contact us



      Michael Trubetskov is winner of all recent optical interference coatings design contests

      Network:  optence grau rot