OTF Studio
Thin Film Software for Any Challenge
(Development history)
Modern, fast, effective, intuitive, and user-friendly
Functionalities required for optical coating designers
Thin-film designs of any complexity
Highly effective state-of-the-art software solutions
Flexible and reliable reverse engineering models
Original and smart algorithms for characterization of monolayers
Easy import of measurement data of different types
Modern chart designer, plotting, dashboard layout, 2D and 3D plots
Project management using standard operations (new, open, save, save as) available at Quick Access Toolbar or using a standard back-stage interface
Modern ribbon interface
Customizable layout
Docking technology for tables, panels, and plots
Special design options for ultrafast applications
Color design and analysis options
Integral values
U- and g-values
Multi-scan measurements
Batch measurements
Large variety of import and export options
Monte-Carlo analysis and yield analysis; worst case performance
Interactive analysis tools operating for all active plots and panels in dashboard layout
Automatic generation of advanced monitoring strategies
Special design and analysis options for Multi-QWOT narrow band pass filters