Next Workshop:

Location: Leica Welt, Wetzlar, Germany

Neubau Leica Camera Fassade

Photo: Hanneke Heinemann

Save the date:

11.06.2025 - 13.06.2025

Information, preliminary Agenda, Registration form are available

New features, updates, and bug fix are here.

The most recent: second Y-Axis, admittance, filter parameters, worst case with refractive indices, initial readout corrector, re-evaluation of History/Collection, enhancement of preprocessing.



Quarter-wave mirror: Estimation of reflectance at the central wavelength, width of high-reflection zones, and angular shift


Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the reflectance of a quarter-wave mirror (Bragg mirror) with the central wavelength of $\lambda_0$.

High-reflection (HR) zones of quarter-wave mirrors are spectral ranges, where reflectance is high and is growing if the number of layer pairs if increasing. The HR zones around the mirror central wavelength $\lambda_0$ is called principal or the first HR zone. The second, third, etc., HR zones are centered around $\lambda_0/3$, $\lambda_0/5$, ... wavelengths. With the growing of order, the HR zones are getting narrower. 

Here you can estimate reflectance at central wavelength and width of HR zones of quarter-wave mirrors of different structures (s-polarization case). Please input parameters required for calculations.

Refractive indices of layer materials and substrate (min. values 1.0):

nH  = nL  = ns  =   Angle of incidence AOI (0-89.9): degrees

Central wavelength (100-25000 nm):   = nm   Number of layer pairs (min. 5):   =


Michael Trubetskov is winner of all recent optical interference coatings design contests

Network:  optence grau rot