OTF Studio Workshop Tegernsee

Workshop schedule

OTF Studio workshop will be held at the hotel Terrassenhof in Bad Wiessee, Tegernsee, Germany

Save the date:

22.05.2024 - 24.05.2024 (registration is closed)

Save the date:

28.10.2024 - 30.10.2024

Next OTF Studio workshop will be held in Lüneburg, Germany. Pre-registration is now opened via e-mail: i.langbein@gmx.de or support@otfstudio.com.

Estimation of the minimum achievable reflectance of broadband anti-reflection coatings

BBAR schematic 3

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of AR performance in a broadband spectral range.

Here you can estimate minimum achievable reflectance of broadband AR coatings (ratio of right and left boundaries of the operating AR range is larger than 2; s-polarization case). Please input parameters required for calculations.

Boundaries of the AR wavelength range: λl  = nm   λu  = nm

High and low refractive indices: nH  =   nL  = Substrate refractive index: ns  =


Michael Trubetskov is winner of all recent optical interference coatings design contests

Network:  optence grau rot